General Information

According to article 16 of Law 3404 (Government Gazette A’ 260, 17-10-2005), the Library and Information Center (LIC-PI) of the University of Ioannina operates as an independent and decentralized unit at Directorate level with the mission of strengthening and supporting the educational and research activities of the University of Ioannina, its contribution to the management, provision and distribution of specialized information to the wider national and international community and its substantial participation in every activity for education and culture.

The further administrative development of the Library in Branches at School level or in Units is determined by the Internal Regulation of Operation of the Institution following a decision of the Senate.

A prerequisite for the establishment and operation of Branches or Units of the Library of the Foundation is the provision by the Foundation of the conditions for their uninterrupted operation by allocating a sufficient number of scientific and other staff and financial resources. The Branches or Units belong administratively to the Central Library of the Foundation and form a single whole with it both in terms of human resources and in terms of development policy and management of financial resources.

Based on the above and the spatial layout of the University of Ioannina, its unified Library includes the Central Library and its Branches (Libraries of the former T.E.I. of Epirus) in Ioannina, Arta, Preveza.

The Central Library is housed in a separate building in the center of the University Campus of Ioannina.

The building has six floors arranged in two wings (A and B). It has a total area of 17.396,62m2. Due to temporary accommodation in the building of the Departments of Economics and the Department of Visual Arts and Art Sciences for the needs of the Library, approximately 14.500m2 are available, which makes it the largest Academic Library in our country.

In addition, the Library has a Library for the withdrawal of material in the basement of the building of the former Library of the Medical School, to house material of limited demand and material that has been withdrawn from the collections.

The History of the Library